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Personal Injuries Actions

Accidents can and will happen, be it accidents at work to road traffic accidents.

Accidents at Work

Accidents at work are a common occurrence such that the Government established the Health and Safety Authority who are tasked with the job to reduce accidents at work. Accidents at work cover Industrial accidents, lifting injuries and slip and fall accidents. Many employers carry insurance to cover these accidents, this simplifies the issue because where you suffer an injury associated with your work, compensation can be recovered from that insurance company.

Apart from work related accidents, simple slip and fall accidents can and do occur at anytime, from accidents in private homes to accidents in public. In the event of a simple slip and fall, it is important that you should the accident be documented, try obtain some photographic evidence of the scene of the accident, seek medical attention as soon as possible. It is important that you seek legal advice so that the process of recovering any expenses that you may need to spend together with processing the necessary Personal Injury action on your behalf.

Motor / Road Traffic Accidents

Where you are unfortunate enough to experience a more serious injury through no fault of your own, it is important that you take the necessary steps to have your position legally protected. These situations can range from minor Motor / Road Traffic accidents right through to the most serious Motor / Road Traffic Accidents. As regards Motor / Road Traffic accidents, results from such accidents can have a devastating impact on a person that can last for years on end, that is why it is important that you receive the correct legal representation in the event that you are unfortunate enough to suffer as a result of such an accident.

In Ireland, all drivers are legally obliged to carry insurance so that in the event of an accident that insurance cover will provide you with the necessary compensation such that will compensate for your injuries. Even if after the necessary investigation after the accident it transpires that no insurance cover exists, you may be able to claim compensation through the Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland.

The most important aspect of any accident involving a motor vehicle is that the matter be brought to the attention of An Garda Siochána and report the matter as soon as possible, this enables An Garda Siochána to carry out the necessary investigation and report on their findings.

Medical Negligence

As regards medical negligence, most medical treatment is of a high quality and those working in the medical industry are highly qualified to carry out such work, however, as with all walks of like mistakes can and do happen. Where you or members of your family are unfortunate to suffer an injury due to medical mistake or neglect then you may be entitled to compensation as a result of that mistake or neglect.

The process involved in a claim for Medical negligence can be a lengthy process involving a process that is complex with having to establish the knowledge of medical procedures and terminology through reports from experts in the necessary field.

At C N Doherty & Co Solicitors it is our position that you settle the matter with the best possible outcome to you, we have the experience to handle all your Personal Injury actions. When an accident happens, the question which needs to be answered is, who is legally responsible and what compensation can be obtained as a result of that accident.

Time limits

It is important to understand that a time limit exists in Ireland to initiate a claim for compensation. When this time period has elapsed, the matter is said to be ‘statute barred’ in other words, a time limit for certain actions is laid down by law and when that time period has elapsed, you will be barred from taking that action which is why it is very important that you take the necessary legal action as soon as you become aware that you have suffered as a result of an accident or mistake through no fault of your own. 

Personal Injury Process

We advise in all areas of Personal Injury actions. We will take your action through the process of The Personal Injuries Assessment Board, this is a body established to deal with Personal Injury where, having assessed your claim can make an assessment to which you will be entitled to. We will evaluate your assessment and can issue the appropriate Court proceedings where this assessment has been rejected.

The process involved in making such a claim is a complex matter. One matter that should be borne in mind is that many personal injury matters never make it to court because the parties reach a settlement. Since 2004, all Personal Injury actions with the exception of Medical Negligence matters must first be submitted to the PIAB. Either party named in the application to PIAB can choose not to have the matter determined by PIAB, however, where the matter does proceed to assessment, the Personal Injuries Board who, having assessed the matter and taking into consideration all medical evidence can make an offer of which that board thinks appropriate. This offer of compensation can be refused by the Applicant, in such event; PIAB will issue an ‘authorisation’ which enables the applicant to proceed to take their claim to the courts.

At C N Doherty & Co., Solicitors we pride ourselves in being able to act in your best interests and advice you accordingly. We will outline the full legal implications of your Personal Injuries Action in a clear and impartial manner and provide you with constant updates such that will leave you in a position that you will have a clear understanding of the process

We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver a cost effective service to all our clients and that the service you receive is of the quality one would expect. If you have suffered a personal injury that is not the fault of you own, please contact us or click here to make an appointment and we will be happy to assist.